Wednesday, June 29, 2005

"Let's not shit ourselves"

It's going to be shitty anyway so why dress it up in shitty efforts when you know there's going to be shitty results.

Well shit, my bad.

My mother says shit when something is wrong or when something hasn't gone her way. I told her to shut up once when I was about 12 years old and she got really upset. How can she think it's okay for her to curse unhibitedly when I can't tell her to stop talking to me? Of course I was only 12 years old and it was disrespectful but has she considered disrespecting me when she says shit so much? She even says it when Jason and Marissa are around and they're some of the most impressionable people I know (amoung someone else who I will not mention). I'm not suppose to curse around my parents and I hate it when I do because it's rude but they make me so mad sometimes that I want to smash the kitchen table just so they'll listen to me.

Wait, "listen" is the wrong word. Maybe for them to realize I'm not always full of shit and selfish tendencys.

Or maybe even just for them to realize what it's like to be in my position.

Fuck that. It'll never happen.

Needless to say, I can't wait until I move out. I love my family but I can't live with them simply because I'm too much like my dad and too much like my mom. I got the bad combination. Damn you synpasis and damn you odds. I could've at least had my dad's metabolism speed. Shit that'd be sweet.

Ok one more rant then I can get back to my oh-so exciting life.

People can be wrong and even mentally incapable of making decisions that society sees as rationable, but everyone deserves to be listened to. So get off your fucking high horse and let the other person talk. Consider what they have to say and consider why they're talking about the things they're talking about. Even let them talk first so the atmosphere isn't so tense.

Now if people knew and could understand the simple concept of listening, I think there will be less people who are frustrated, marginalized, and maybe even serial killers.

To breath this air is discovering loss of not just others or even useless material objects, but of yourself and what you've built of yourself throughout these years.

Thankfully for me there's salvation when rain is present. The dark clouds are heavenly and bring relief to this over wrought character.

P.S: Don't be so fucking dramatic for fucksakes.

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