Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Alberta's 100th birthday is coming up and the city decides to spend money on placing cops in downtown to "clean up the streets". Sure, it's an effort to make the city "look" cleaner for the celebration, but am I the only one that sees how stupid and blinded that decision is?

What are the police going to do? Enforce the laws stronger in downtown?

Oh he looks like he hasn't shaved or bathed in a few days, lets go hassle him and make him feel more marginalized.
And better yet, he's pushing his cart full of his only worthy possessions, lets go write him a ticket or even throw him into jail for a night. That will teach him!

What the fuck is that going to do? Give the poor a hard time and you make the world a better place? Is it a crime to push a cart through the streets full of stuff?
If it is, I'm expecting to see a lot of grocery shoppers in the law courts downtown agruing or paying for that ticket!

There are few roads that I can think of that needs patching up, alley ways, and buildings that should be either demolized or renovated. But all of that has to wait because of the wisemen in the meeting rooms that saw how efficent and promising it is to spend money on cops to police the class under some more.

I'm not neive or much too compassionate. But really, is this the smartest way to spend the taxpayers money. And since I'm one of them, I can strongly no you fucking idiots. Why isn't more time and money being spent on programs or whatever to pick the bums off of the streets so they don't turn to desperation? Is yelling at them in a police uniform going to do that?

"Oh, an arrogant police officer just yelled at me today and told me to shower and get my ass off the streets. I think I'll take their demeaning comments and use them to pick myself up."

Yes there are people who might think that way, but that's rare and it only happens in movies to jerk at the audiences hearts. Otherwise, they're not going to care and will just become more resentful.

I don't have an answer to solve the homeles problem but there must a middle between marginalizing them and giving them too much help.

Maybe we should start by enforcing safe sex or something to reduce the amount of people in the age group 15-24.

I cannot get over how ridiculous and how angry it makes me. When I looked at the face of the homeless man who just got bothered by these two policemen (hired for the centenial), I could feel the frustration and anger because they decided to pick on him because he doesn't have the chance to commit those white collar crimes that keep him from incarcenation.

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