Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Too early

I found out today that Rilo Kiley and songs: ohia are popular in the other parts of the world! How crazy! Maybe they're not obessesed or overwhelmed by the large amount of rap/r&b/hip-hop like it is here.
I think it's a good thing actually, but not because I enjoy rap/r&b/hip-hop.

I REALLY hope to go to New York one day. Maybe more like NOW. I want to be able to see all of those amazing live rock shows, especially Conor Oberst. Plus maybe then I can head over to see the famous CBGB, if they're not closed.
I hope they don't close it simply because it has housed so many successful bands of underground rock. To close it is like the end of a era that shouldn't be forced to close its chapter yet.

Of course I'm being too dramatic but I want to see it!
I woke up too early this morning and it's too early for CBGB to close down. But it's not too early for me to pack my bags and head to New York to experience good quality live music.
Well not to me anyway...sort of. To my parents the trip would be a waste and would probably force me to the museums and what nots. I acutally enjoy museums but I would never choose museums or famous sites over live music.

I'm crazy, but not stupid.

Latley I can't seem to stop buying shoes! I used to never have a strong affliation with shoes but I guess people change or get bored. I think I got bored. There are only so many different washes or cuts of jeans that one can be into. But shoes present endless possibilities that feed my bored mind with a dash of thrill when I unleash them on the unsuspecting public. Eat these you arrogant assholes.

No not everyone's an asshole, but you know who you are.

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