Thursday, June 16, 2005

Oh the pain

I hate it when the phone rings when I'm sleeping, especially when people shove the phone at my sleepy face and yell at me to pick up. Can't you see that I'm sleeping? We have fucking caller ID, I'll call them back when I come to focus. That's why I fucking requested caller Id.

I don't usually take naps but I get so tired that I have to and all of you know how early I get up and how late I sleep. So stop fucking shoving the fucking cordless in my face and screaming at me to talk to the person. If it's important than my anger will subside but if it's trivial or if I said I would call them when I get an answer, don't give me the phone.

It just makes me mad because they could at least not yell at me to answer; as if the alarm clock is not bad enough.

At least I'm used to the alarm clock; the ringing no longer stabs at my ear drums and make the three little bones shake endlessly. But when someone yells at me when I'm sleeping it hurts my ears so much. So stop it.

Yes I had a good day.

Father's day is coming up so that means anther family dinner. Hoooorrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I don't hate the dinners but I'd rather be playing tennis or finish the over due chores at home. I can't wait till we rip the carpet out and put in hardwood floors. I wouldn't be surprised if the kiddies did something to it though. Maybe I should cover everything in bubble wrap or if not them except for they're face.

No I'm kidding that's unreasonable.

Yes it's compulsive and even obsessive but I hate it when the kiddies ruin it, especially if it's new. I don't know what my mother is thinking anyway. Why would we spend money to make the house look better if the kiddies are just going to ruin it? Well not ruin but make it more difficult to keep it in good condition. They have a good record of ruining my things after all.

I wish I didn't have to sleep. I could get so much done in such a short amount of time. It would be great! Of course I'd probably break down in a week, maybe even 3 days but jeezes it would be revolutionary!

Oh jeezes I have my crim final today and then I'm done. Remember, a goal of the west is to stop the fanatacism and radical teachings. Then and only then can terrorism be stopped. Even the ones with a universtiy education get caught up the "cause" and believe that their violent actions are justified.

Good luck to me today.

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