Friday, August 19, 2005

They all come in packs....endless packs

My cousin's wedding is in September and I don't know what to wear. Oh jeezes. I have a tank top but I don't think it'll be suitable. I failed to notice how low it is when I bought it. Thanks a lot perception, you suck!

Or should I blame taste instead?

I think I'll just stick with perception.

Okay my stomach can't stop rumbling today and I feel like I haven't slept in three days. Which is quite ironic may I point out since I took a nap last night! I love to sleep when it rains, it's so soothing and there's no chance of a UVA beam to break through the barrier of your blinds to strike at your eyes.

I just don't like it too much when the phone rings.

My grandpa got a dvd/vcr player and I tried to tell him everything but because all the buttons look the same and the printing on them is less than significant to a 70-some year old man, it was a little difficult. But it's okay. I'll just keep repeating the things to him so he'll be able to play those chinese song cds that he has. Oh grampy.

It's been a grim and shocking couple of weeks. I'm learning to not let small and insignificant differences get in the way of anything great. I hope you all do the same.

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