Tuesday, August 09, 2005

So not only did I have a ephiphany and painful shoulders this week, but I got an unexpected call last night also! It made my voice rise in volume and it marked the end of a waiting period. Oh the excitment of it all.

For the record, I only bought that Green Tea cake because I was curious and I have to say that it takes patients and an open mind. Needless to say, my siblings did not enjoy it. I'm not in love with it, but I'll eat it....slowly of course.

I went for a walk that took an hour and a half yesterday night and it felt so nice! The sky was gorgeous and the only real insects that bothered me were aphids. I think the kiddies loved it too. They seemed happy still when we got home, despite the distance and time. I wish I could do that everyday because I love to get outside since I'm stuck between three walls all day long at work.

Speaking of work, I cannot wait to leave it.

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