Friday, August 05, 2005

Come on epiphany, I'm ready for you.

They don't do everything for you or me just because they feel like they have to or they fear of retribution from someone else. They do all these things for us becasue they love us. They prepare things for us hoping that we'll give back to them through harvesting success and letting them bath in it.

It's fair I think. An equal trade. Gratitude can go a long way and so can appreciation.

But if it's not appreciated, then all of their efforts are wasted and their dreams for us are shredded into nothing. Sometimes it's not too late, but other times there's no turning back. The mistakes we make are permanetly placed into a bag that we all drag around with us. Some larger than others but it's there nonetheless.

I feel that it takes a while before reasons come and hit you in the head with the sparkle of epiphany. Anger and frustration is what fills your head and constrains you from understanding why it's the way that it is. They're not always right. But they do always want the best for you. They do.

Trust me.
I mean, I do.

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