Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Songs:ohia, Azure Ray, and Norah Jones: thank you for putting me to sleep and for putting my mind at ease. Of course none of you musical marvels will ever see this but I hope all of you understand how your mellow and methodical tunes play an important part in keeping my homeostatsis intact.

I'm totally addicted to my book and I can't stop wanting to read it! If only work was totally dead then I could crack it open but they always find something, whether it be deathly monotonous or not, to do.

What a shame. What a fucking shame.

It's somewhat eerie but I can actually see myself in the shoes of the protangonist in the book. One big differenece though is that all of those elements that I reconigze are part of me when I was much younger. When my naive stage was still with me. It's true! I didn't have any experiences with anything and I would run into situations where I had no idea what to do.

I guess I'm growing out of it and I still am. Though I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I had part time jobs and I was trained (or at least pushed) by my mother to be less dependent on other people. I try. So don't get mad at me if I don't immediatley ask for help because I want to at least try to do it myself first. I hope Sarah gets a job because she can be so naive it's unbearable.

I hope I don't keep buying items like no tomorrow though like Becky. It feels good to shop but I think that will only be okay when I win the lottery. Let's keep our fingers crossed boys and girls.

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