Tuesday, July 26, 2005

It's alright to tear, it's good for the heart.

...so is screaming while you are singing in the car. After all, you're alone in the car and your cell phone isn't ringing off the hook or anything and even though other drivers will realize that you're really into your music, you don't give a two shits because are you ever going to see them again?


Besides, it's not like you're commiting a crime or setting yourself up for a tragedy; you're just releasing built up tension.

Now scream. Scream from the bottom of your stomach and let that ripple through every cell of every tissue in your flawed and worn body. Let it tickle out of your throat and disrupt the flow of the pollution and shit around you.

Do this and you'll be rid of the tension in your mind and heart, but remember to pick an appropriate place. I'm not going to take responsibility if you break ear drums or make babies cry.

I only guarantee that this method will help unwind you and release all that tension stored up inside; especailly in the heart. I'm not talking about your actual and tangiable heart muscle but the heart that's susceptable to emotional and spiritual pain. So I guess it's the front part of your brain and your hormones. Either way, screaming will do wonders for you heart but will torture your throat with the burning sensation of impending satisfaction.

On another note, it's perfectly fine to drain out your tear ducks every now and then. Personally it clogs my sinuses and makes all the blood rush to my head and it gets expressed through my epidermis but fuck it feels good to break out and let the truth that I tried to so hard to hide flood out. Of course this has to be done in moderation and used with diligence and discretion. Otherwise there will be a lack of meaning and understanding and neutral ground will not be achieved.

There are times when it's good to do things in excess but don't keep if frequent. Otherwise you're just a drama queen.


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