Friday, May 27, 2005

Don't drop your baby on their head so often

There is a proposed connection between serial killers and how often/hard they are dropped on their heads when they were infants. The drop may trigger a change in personality or something doesn't get wired right in the parital lobe that causes these criminals to kill. Not only do they kill, they kill in large numbers and when they're caught they receive so much attention that their image is practically burned into the audiences' memory. I believe that people tend to remember the bad or horrible a bit more than the ordinary or good. Or maybe everything has to be spectacular for people to remember it. It becomes a mystery, a thought that seems to have endless possibilities and numerous underlying truths. It catches everybody's attention at gatherings or any other place, especially the ones who feel that they could possilbly be victimized directly or indirectly. So if you want to prevent your child from possilbly becoming a headline the newspapers or have their picture in a criminology textbook, don't drop them on their heads so much.

Of All Days

I actually remembered to charge my iRiver last night so I wouldn't have to keep the volume down at work but since I forgot my headphones, it doesn't matter. I should keep a spare set in my car incase this happens so I don't have to listen to my co-workers'.....ummm....'different' By different I don't mean ethnic music or anything, I mean their radio stations. Holly molly do I ever hate the radio. I used to not mind the rich girl song but I've heard it so many times that it started to sound like someone scraping a fork against a plate.
Ok so maybe it's not that bad but hell I can't stand the radio.

I miss car shows. I miss the hype about what the owners put in backseats to get that quality bass sound, who has the one-of-a-kind car in Edmonton, and how the owners will decorate their car to up the other cars present and the ones from last year. Now that I drive I don't feel like such a loser bussing home after looking at the extravagent and valued vehicles that everyone else seems to have.

Anyway, I'm off to Winners to see if I should buy those mint green shoes. Maybe I could wear them to a car show and feel just as supreme as that spoiler sitting on the trunk of that RSX.

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