Monday, May 16, 2005 I am turning 19

My shirt looks pointless now that my heart is gone.

The heart pin. But nonetheless I had an awesome time on Saturday; it was certaintly different from all of the other times. The nerves in my brain would not stop throbbing and continued to be swollen the next day. It got so bad I couldn't even enjoy Desperate Housewifes and Gray's Anatomy, a couple of the best shows available on television on Sundays.

I'll stop. I sound desperate for a mindless activity and a little crazy.

Last week has been really windy and little disappointing but I'm hopping for good weather so I can enjoy the awesome sport: tennis. I can hit but I can't aim just yet. I think I should start taking pictures of it and everything else because I still have empty photo albums yet to be filled with photographs that I capture with my talent.

That was sarcasm. I really don't have much talent for photography but I do enjoy it.

Okay back to work now.

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