Tuesday, May 31, 2005


It's inevitable that there will be awkward moments but I hate it when it happens. Especially at work because you have a higher chance of running into the person again after you both realize how awkward it is. Then what do you do? Pull your face muscles into a friendly, but fake and you both know it, smile?

Of course! What else would you do? Stick out your tounge?

Now that's not tolertated. Especially when the other person is older than you by about 20 years.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Someone get me a coin

A recent dream of mine consisted of me chasing down a lean bouncer (ironic I know) and telling him how incoherent he is. In the begginning of the dream he told me that I could not enter the club and had to wait at the bar located at the entrance because I did not introduce myself properly. I thought that's fucking bullshit, but like normal I didn't say anything until I couldn't take it anymore. At my breaking point, I got up from the stool and started yelling at him and saying things like "what kindof a decision maker are you?....are you fucking stupid?...this is the most stupidest shit I've ever encountered and I can't believe they hired you!...If I was 2 inches taller I could snap you're insignificant body over my fucking knee you asshole!" etc., etc.. Once I couldn't think of anymore demeaning comments, I concluded with the statement: "You make me so angry that I could take this coin and grind your eyes into indistinguishable pieces."

I stomped away victorious but unable to dance. What a shame.

Do you think this dream depicts my anger and frustration?

On a brighter note, I finally got to play tennis and it was great. I never realized how much I missed it until my hand touched a raquet. So here's to you Will, for making my Saturday evening that much more enjoyable, well for that time being.

P.S If someone can find my sanity for me, that would be awfully nice.


Friday, May 27, 2005

Don't drop your baby on their head so often

There is a proposed connection between serial killers and how often/hard they are dropped on their heads when they were infants. The drop may trigger a change in personality or something doesn't get wired right in the parital lobe that causes these criminals to kill. Not only do they kill, they kill in large numbers and when they're caught they receive so much attention that their image is practically burned into the audiences' memory. I believe that people tend to remember the bad or horrible a bit more than the ordinary or good. Or maybe everything has to be spectacular for people to remember it. It becomes a mystery, a thought that seems to have endless possibilities and numerous underlying truths. It catches everybody's attention at gatherings or any other place, especially the ones who feel that they could possilbly be victimized directly or indirectly. So if you want to prevent your child from possilbly becoming a headline the newspapers or have their picture in a criminology textbook, don't drop them on their heads so much.

Of All Days

I actually remembered to charge my iRiver last night so I wouldn't have to keep the volume down at work but since I forgot my headphones, it doesn't matter. I should keep a spare set in my car incase this happens so I don't have to listen to my co-workers'.....ummm....'different'...music. By different I don't mean ethnic music or anything, I mean their radio stations. Holly molly do I ever hate the radio. I used to not mind the rich girl song but I've heard it so many times that it started to sound like someone scraping a fork against a plate.
Ok so maybe it's not that bad but hell I can't stand the radio.

I miss car shows. I miss the hype about what the owners put in backseats to get that quality bass sound, who has the one-of-a-kind car in Edmonton, and how the owners will decorate their car to up the other cars present and the ones from last year. Now that I drive I don't feel like such a loser bussing home after looking at the extravagent and valued vehicles that everyone else seems to have.

Anyway, I'm off to Winners to see if I should buy those mint green shoes. Maybe I could wear them to a car show and feel just as supreme as that spoiler sitting on the trunk of that RSX.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Damn you Starbucks

Sorry to my devoted readers who did not get an update in my blog yesterday. Actually it's just Will who really reads these.

My sleeping patterns have been changed, shifted, and molded in to odd patterns for the past month and it's starting to take its toll on me. I won't stop yawning, but I don't quite want to sleep. I get slightly dizzy everynow and then and I'm sure the veins in my eyes can't be anymore red. Time for some coffee (I hope I don't get addicted).

I really should not of discovered the shopping center that's just a few minutes away from work. Did I mention that this shopping center also includes a Starbucks? Of course Starbucks is not my favourite but when my nerves aren't being stimulated enough (because I have such an eventfull life), I look to Starbucks for the chemical fix: caffine. Am I being too literal and too dependent on a five dollar cup-of-wonder?


Natalie said: "...I'm too coffee-ed out..."
I'm not. Then again I drank tea most of the time.

Chayle said: "...[he] was such a twat.."
I thought it was hilarious because I've never heard anyone say "twat" before and seem so sincere about it. As a side note, the entrance to her apartment smells like a mix of ass, farm animal fecal matter, and Sarah's bed.

I'm joking about the 'Sarah's bed' part...well partially.

But nonetheless Chayle found herself a nice apartment over-looking whyte ave. That's more than I can say for my room that has a window that faces the side of my garage.

I finally got to watch the season finale of Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy last night. I almost cried when Bree's husband died because it was so sudden and yet she still tried to finish cleaning. Of course at the end she finally felt the burden that will eventually be put upon her as a result of her husband's death. It seemed that no matter how hard she tried, life can never be perfect and it seems to be even more imperfect the harder she tried. I cannot wait for the next season!

I think society should thank the people in the age group of 14-18 (roughly) because if it wasn't for their large amount of spending money, a lot of businesses wouldn't be as succesful as they are or they wouldn't be in business at all. They have less to worry about so they can spend the money that they get on pay checks or whereever they get their spending money more freely. I'm generalizing this by the way. Next time my mom nags at me about my spending habits, I'll be sure to tell her this.

I see the need for sympathy

I believe... I do... I mean I will.
As soon as you let the words bleed from your mind and into my auditory canals.
As soon as you allow those words to have meaning.
As soon as you know what you mean.

Then I will believe and give you all the sympathy that you need.

After all, I need the sympathy too.


Friday, May 20, 2005

Keep on raining

I love the rain and the effect of thunder around me. This is ironic because I used to be scared of thunder when I was kid. I used to even hide in my closest!

Speaking of my closet, I saw this house cockroach/mosquito- looking bug on the ceiling of my closet and surprisingly I didn't scream and run away. Instead I calmy gathered my vacum simply and sucked it up. Thank goodness I don't have to change the vacum cleaner bag for like a year and some. Go go central vacum systems.

The same thing happened yesterday but it was in my living room and it was a bee or wasp (I couldn't tell I was so scared). When I saw it I jumped up and ran for the vacum, which was conveniently outside of my room! But when I got back, the stinger was gone. I'd be glad if I was outside but since I was in my house, I was a little worried. After a little while, I saw it again at the window trying to get out. I tried killing it but sucking it up into the vacum but the blinds got in the way and it eventually seemed like it flew away....again! So I screamed and ran off.

My grandma saw me and shook her head saying I was scared of nothing. Well of course she's used it. I mean she was a farmer! I don't deal with bugs well, it's either me or them and it's usually them =). So she calmly went up very close to it and squished it with a bug killer that had Norm Cholak's face on it. I proceeded with the vacum and sucked up that monster of a bug and sat down to finish watching my show.

Jeezes I hate bugs. They've taken over the world, I know but I don't always like to think that. I wonder what it would be like if humans could fly instead! mmmmm maybe I shouldn't think about that; I'm afraid of heights.

Today is Superstore day and I hope that it's not as busy as last time. I feel bad when I accidentally hit people with my cart but I mean you'd think anyone has a reasonable mind (objective) and know not to walk backwards when there are carts and lots of pre-occupied people around.

Those assholes. The back part of their foot(I don't know what it's called) deserves the hit of my cart!

I think I'll go get a hair cut this weekend. Maybe I'll try Sarah's place. I just hope the lady/man won't wash my hair like the Green Giant would.
Jeezes people! Just because my hair is made of dead cells doesn't mean you can man handle me like you're washing a shirt on a washboard!

I can't wait for this long weekend! Rollerblading, tennis, cutting the lawn (I like the smell of freshly cut grass), and the season finalie of Desperate Housewives! I hope the next season is just as good if not better!

Maybe we'll go to BP's for dinner.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Iced Coffee drinks

They're sick. They're much too sweet and I have no idea why I ordered one during lunch because I hate how foods that contain too much sugar make my mouth feel. It feels saturated and slippery from all the saliva trying to break down the excess sugar. Attractive isn't it? Don't lie to me now.

It seems like things are going from bad to worse and even to the stage where I'm feeling light-headed. I never feel light-headed unless I'm intoxicated or I can sense that something is going wrong. I keep trying to get things done and get to places on time but keeping focus is difficult when I'm not the only one I have to worry about.
Maybe my parents should've gotten the turbo and manual transmission. And the diesel of course.



I cannot wait to play tennis! But I also have to study for my exam on Tuesday for my spring course. That can wait till tomorrow night and the rest of weekend I guess. But for now, lets hit some fuzzy yellow balls around.

I might even be able to take my anger out on the yellow fuzzy balls. Poor balls.

No lies...I will be good.

If you'll be good I'll be good. But if you walk away, I'll walk away.

Pull my hair and tell me the honey moon is over,

but if something is still there, start digging.

And if you ask nicely I might just lend you a hand.

Monday, May 16, 2005

...as I am turning 19

My shirt looks pointless now that my heart is gone.

The heart pin. But nonetheless I had an awesome time on Saturday; it was certaintly different from all of the other times. The nerves in my brain would not stop throbbing and continued to be swollen the next day. It got so bad I couldn't even enjoy Desperate Housewifes and Gray's Anatomy, a couple of the best shows available on television on Sundays.

I'll stop. I sound desperate for a mindless activity and a little crazy.

Last week has been really windy and little disappointing but I'm hopping for good weather so I can enjoy the awesome sport: tennis. I can hit but I can't aim just yet. I think I should start taking pictures of it and everything else because I still have empty photo albums yet to be filled with photographs that I capture with my talent.

That was sarcasm. I really don't have much talent for photography but I do enjoy it.

Okay back to work now.

Friday, May 13, 2005


I can't help but go on the net while at work. The job is just so mind numbing that I'm resorting to reading and a spring course as a way to keep me from going to mush.

Okay it's not that horrible but I must say, sometimes I wish still worked in retail just so I get to walk around.

On second thought, maybe not. I hate arrogant people.
Thus I'm not going to complain any longer, besides my co-workers are awesome and they're always really nice.

I get to listen to my mp3 player at work and each time that I listen to my various bright eyes songs, I get more and more engrossed in what Oberst has to say. His message is truly, to an extent of course, universal. Some things are too extreme for me to relate to but most of the ideas that he presents in his songs are easy to relate myself to. As a side note, in some photos Obesrt looks like the guy who plays spiderman..Tobby something.
Sorry Brandon, but you've been replaced (but not entirely)

It seems like there's a "flu" going around and some of the most unexpected people are catching it. Not only have they contracted this "flu", but it has changed their lives and indirectly will change yours and mine too. Some more than others. I highly doubt that I will contract it considering my situation and I don't want to deal with the mess.