Friday, July 28, 2006

IOU nothing

My 15 minute fast run yesterday was not very satisfying. Even though I was going at a higher speed than I usually would if I was going for a 40 minute or an hour run, I still didn't feel the strain in my stomach or the burning of my legs.

But you know what really does burn? When your co-worker that you have always waited so patiently for doesn't seem to mind the fact she likes to push you aside when the phone rings, or when someone else comes and just starts talking, or even when she gets an email that I do not understand. Work is more important than going outside for a smoke break or simply exchanging pleasentries.

But it would have been courteous of her just to inform me that she couldn't go outside for some fresh air because she has some work issue to deal with. It was obvious to me but I thought it was rude for her just not answer me.

Why would you make me wait for answer every single fucking time I ask you a question? I don't make you wait.

I never make you wait and I have listened to your complaining for much too long now and I think it's time for a breather where I don't spend my lunch hour listening to you moan and groan about how shitty you feel or about how fat you are.

Do something about it. I am here to listen but since I am not being paid to listen to you, it is expected that you do the same for me.

And unlike you, I will do something about it by decreasing the amount of time I have to spend with you and eventually I will stop.

Stop trying to think of things to cheer you up because obviously, nothing is good enough for you.

Disclaimer: I am only ranting because I am peeved and I am so bored at work I am considering of asking to leave early. It is an excellent if not pristine idea but shoes do not pay for themselves and I can't stand the idea of my parents paying for my tuition.


Now I acknowledge the fact that most of blogs are rants with no real names except implications and second person referals but I like it this way. For if I were to reveal the names of the people that enrage me, all hell would break loose.

I would probably be the person to start it.

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