Monday, July 24, 2006

I need a hair cut

So far I have managed to stay misquito bites free up until yesterday when Will and I took Marissa and Jason to K days (or I should say Capital X). I thought, the sun is beaming down on us with enough UV rays to turn us into melting pots.... there shouldn't be many bugs if any out.

Then again maybe it was the hour or two I spent outside trying to wash the exterior of my car last night under the refined shade of my garage and the sympathetic clouds. Marissa and Jason helped me only because they thought it was one of the funnest things in the world to be able to spray a car with a hose and rub car soap all over it with a fuzzy mitt that so conviently came with my car. Everything was going fine. Marissa almost enjoyed running back and forth for me and Jason liked the feeling of being able to sit up front on the passenger seat while I so skillfully reparked my car. I just didn't like how the boys were staring at us and drinking beer. I am all for drinking beer but sitting on your drive way like a bunch of high school low ballers is really no way to do it or show the kiddies what people should spend their time doing.

Come on. If you're going to spend a nice summer night outside taking your time guzzling down a beer, you could at least do it with some class. Buy a couple of chairs or something.

Or be of normal boys and drink it in front of a tv or a game of poker.

Anyway my car is clean, the grass is watered, the trampoline is cleaner, and my hair is getting long.

I want to get a hair cut but I'm a little lazy to spend a couple of hours at the mall with the kiddies.

Speaking of the kiddies, they are dark little ones now; especially Jason who was always darker than the rest of us (he must of got the grandpa gene). I hope they had fun, for Will and I risked our pale status to bring you guys to the carni fun.

I feel so energetic..but I can't stop yawning.

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