Friday, July 07, 2006

Bring back the extra small hoodies and I will stop bashing how overly priced your clothes are.

First and foremost, I extend my congratulations and best wishes to Will as he has very recently aquired a vehicle. A vehicle which serves as the primary mode of transportation between him and work, him and me (though I still want to drive*), and him and his buddies. At first I was excited for him because he has yearned for a car for a long time now; so long that I can't even fathom the time period. Though it needs a car wash and a good wax, I am sure that it will serve you well.

I would also like to say that I am sorry for what happened between you and him. I always thought you guys looked good together and I thought it was for him. But as I was telling my friend the other day, who would you pair someone up that is not the most interesting person in the world with? I really do wonder. Maybe he has to find that one person that doesn't find him boring and is actually facinated by him.

Anyway, it is Friday today and I can't wait for the weekend. Mostly because I dread work and I dream about going on trips and seeing more of the world through my own eyes than through pictures and other people's descriptions. I shouldn't complain. I get a comfortable chair, all the coffee and tea that I can handle, unrestricted use of stationary, and the company of the internet. Despite all of these perks, I haven't done anything for a good while now and since I finished my book yesterday I don't have too much to keep me awake right now. I should have just went out for lunch yesterday. Staring at something for a long time under a flourescent light gives me a headache. But I won't complain.

I won't bitch about how much my summer has sucked so far and how confused I am about what I should do with my future. Instead I will focus on a prospective Calgary road trip and a AFI concert (and maybe Story of the Year). In addition to these gleeming perhaps, I have been able to do some cardio this past week and completed some much over due forms that needed y attention. Though it feels like lately that everything has been needing my attention and the ironic thing is that when I start talking, people just start to ignore me.

So forget it. You can do it yourself.

Superman was one of the best and most entertaining movies I have seen so far. But it is movies like that where it makes me miss the early stages of dating where everything and anything could be interpretted as romantic. When he called it was mostly to distract him from the headache that he had or just to say that he misses me and this would be his motivation to build a teleportation device to bring the distance between us to a minimal. It is the movies like Superman and King Kong where it makes me realize that I miss having romance in my life and that actually makes me kindof sad.

Not like I am going to break down crying sad (I have other things to cry about).

My reaction was the same when I watched King Kong with Will. In a way it was spured on though by the fact that he said "I am going to go eat dimsum with sergio" when I said I wanted to go eat dimsum. I know that that doesn't sound offending but it made me think that Will was even less romantic than he already was.

It was just in the context and in my frame of mind.

Well leaving the subject of my uncharmed life, I wish Sarah the best in finding a summer job. Well more like her first job that she will keep for longer than 2 weeks and won't have to complian about being splashed with hot water or being obligated to wear a hair net (I am so glad that we have regulations here).

At work I haven't really done anything since 2 pm yesterday (i.e about 14 hours ago). There just wasn't anything to do and it made me realize how small and boring this building is.

I'm just glad for the weekend to come.

P.S: Lunch was fun, except I stink now.

Good bye two precious months of my summer, I will be thinking of you while I am on my trampoline reading about other people's adventures and thoughts. I hope they make me feel alive like the time travellers wife did. Compelling or not, I loved it... just like those shoes at Town Shoes.

Oh my.

P.S.S: Bring back the extra smalls. Just because we are averaged sized doesn't mean we have to be subjected to baggy clothing that we are two inches too small for.

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