Monday, June 26, 2006

You are NOT rocking it out over there

Billy Joel?!

Billy Joel?! Do you even know who Billy Joel is?! For a person who is a self proclaimed FOB and likes to pretend that they are cute, quoting Billy Joel is just weird! Out of context, out of style (like yourself), and really out of your range.

So please stick to your Abercrombie and Fitch, your glossed ways, fob music, and annoying ways of expressing yourself on the internet. I am sure all the independently minded people will be pleased.

Now I know I am speaking for a mass but I am trying to be general in the hopes of getting you to stop annoying me. A hard task, I know. I hope you and your lame boyfriend enjoy your superficial lives because I am sure on the surface you really will.

So to end a bitter rant, I'll post about my birthday celebration which was fun because I have never seen so many buns gone to waste. Well they weren't really wasted since the ducks and geese seemed really eager to get some bread.

I would think those birds should be insulted because we didn't feed those birds buns out of generosity and compasion but we fed them those buns because when they dropped on the ground, we felt that they were too dirty for us humans to eat. Thus, we didn't really do a good deed. The ducks and geese were there as a convient garbage disposale.

Yup, thats me! An advocate for cleaner bread for the birds at Harwlake park. But this will end once they start to shit on my car.

So after everyone was full (especially Stefen who basically fell asleep) we went over to the lake and it went something like this:
- Joanna some how fumbled the foot ball into the water....twice
- A kind man with a toy motor boat pushed the football back to Joanna (only to be dropped in the water again)
- Phil played pass with some paddle boaters for a little while
- Will lossing Joanna's expensive frisbee in the water
- Us sharing a large pop
- Ran into Reed
- lost Natalie and Paris
- met a nice man who gave us wood

In end I realized I know nothing about how to bbq and all I know is what supplies to get; except I forgot to bring a lighter. But good thing I had matches, which are now gone, that I kept for some odd reason from a long time ago.

Oh mysterious matches, did you ever save me from a headache. I hope you have a good home now.

I enjoy Harwlake park, I think I'll go back there this weekend. This time I'll be sure to bring a lighter.

Fast forward to about a month later and here I am. 20 years old, missing my hair dye, tired of my hair, and looking forward to not working. Sadly though, my height does not exponentially grow or grow in a linear fashion along with my age. Just 1.5" more and I will be content.

This weekend flew by so fast that I barely could feel that it was here. Though the lawn is mowed (thanks Will!) and watered, I can't help but feel like the laziest person in the world! I bought some new nail polish, a book, and a new idea that will help me feel like my creativity was not left with my grade 1-2 teacher who I feel was a bitch.

If a child has to pee, she really means it you prejudicial moldy bitch.

I apologize. I do not have ADD. I really don't but when I think of things to type, I tend to go off on tangents that tend to be related in one way or another because it reminds me of events that I usually am not too happy about. So believe me and don't try to recommend me to take some redilen (how ever you spell it). I am already frantic and if I can't sleep at night, I will go crazy with stress and turn to dark sunglasses to hide the evidence.

So to end this reckless post, please read on:
*X3 was a bad movie
*I can't wait for swimming and picnicing
*I need to run more often
*I can't wait for my hair cut
*I am getting a little apprehensive about buying a coffee maker

This is just wierd.

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