Thursday, June 01, 2006

You Belong on the Radio

And I belong on the road where I get to yell at drivers and give them dirty looks for nearly side sweeping me, breaking when it is uneccesary, letting not one but five other cars in who just happens to drive slower than my dad.

My dad doesn't actually drive that slow. He just drives the speed limit.

I do hope those people can feel my strong but short hatred for them when I give them dirty looks because it's the only way I can really tell them that their driving skills are poor.

Poor. Poor and the only thing that can make a bad driver and worse driver, is an extremely nervous driver. Someone who is so afraid to move their eyes off of the car that is 25 miles in front of them that they don't shoulder check and end up moving into my lane trying to squeeze their way infront of me.

It's a vicious circle. You build yourself up to a nervous driver and once you are too nervous and scared about what is going on infront of you (which in reality, nothing is), you forget about all of the other people that are happening to be driving right beside you.

Bad drivers live in a 2D land when they're behind the wheel. It's just them, the car(s) right in front of them and perhaps (if they're having a good day where their palms aren't making it hard to grip the steering wheel) the cars behind them.

I can understand that driving in the city can make a person nervous. But I highly doubt that no one has ever told you that the more nervous you are, the more your muscles tighten up (mytonia) and tunnel vision sets in even when your rods on the lateraltempora sides are still in good shape!

I have no paitent. Although I should but I really don't. If one is so scared about driving, they should take the bus. Granted not all of these drivers who think the "driving world" is a place where 2D comes to life can trade their vehicle of hell for public transportation but those who can, should.

And when I rule the world with my off-colored-fist, I will find these nervous drivers and train them.

Train them into super drivers and make them stop causing havock...especially for me.

But for now, fuck you. Fuck off and take the fucking bus.

On a higher note, Bright Eyes is coming in less than a week and Pilate is coming back! I am not positive if I am going since I just messaged Will about it and I don't know how likely he will agree since he doesn't listen to them.

He should start though. In fact, I think I'll message him right now and tell him to start listening to them. I love unlimited text messages to a person where you have an unlimited amount of things to say to.

It is finally friday and since 7:30 I have been at work and I honestly haven't completed anything. I started something and then someone took the computer from me and hasn't returned it to me yet. All of this free time (which is still paid by the way) has allowed me to do some research on some up coming concerts (hence the Pilate announcement), drink a litter of water with no sense of remorse, do more research on the clothes that stores have to offer, look at the shoes that are just too much for me, walk around to try to feel better (which is useless), and dance around in the bathroom because I am just that bored.

It's hard dancing in heels. Even if they're only an inch or so high. It's fun dancing in the bathroom. Even though I fear someone else walking in to discover me prancing around the bathroom for no apparent reason. The music is my head. I swear. And I am not imagining that there are actually other people there. I just like dancing.

And I secretly like getting drunk. I feel like everything is fine and just dandy. Dandy to the point where I feel like kissing everyone and telling everyone that I love them. And it's true. For that one night I do love everyone and I don't have any intention of telling them to fuck off.

I think alcohol makes you feel needy. But it feels sooooo good! Just not the hangover.

But a beer or a little bit more alcohol actually cures the hangover if it doesn't kill you first. The hangover is just the withdrawl from the penetrating effects of alcohol.

So there you have it. I enjoy getting drunk. Although I am sure that there are a million people that enjoy getting smashed just for the hell of it.

In fact I might want to do that this weekend! But wait. I will probably have to drive if I go out and I don't always like Will driving because quite frankly, it's still scary when he drives. I guess I'll just stick to my regular couple of drinks and hate the taste of fermentation that is left in mouth.

So long euphoria. You were awesome when you were here.

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