Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I have a feeling...

...that I had a part in what my co-worker did to his hair. Though it doesn't look too bad, I did tell him that he resembles the tazmanian devil because the outter edges of his hair was starting to stick out agian. But I didn't think he would care of what I think...it's not like I'm his girlfriend or anything.

Then again this isn't the first time I have said things like that to him.

Either way, he won't have helmet hair (not that he ever did). I really hope he doesn't wear a white t-shirt to work or ask me to go to IGA for him.

Since he has gotten his bike, I can't stop thinking about getting a bike and when is a good time to take the bike course.

I also can't stop thinking about those shoes that I bought and whether or not I should keep them.

I'm hoping those bottles will save me.

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