Tuesday, May 16, 2006


After a grudingly long night with a pounding head and heart ache, I finish making Sarah's lunch and fall asleep only to wake up a meek 6 hours later to a loud alarm and catchy cell phone with tones that I downloaded for free.

Take that corporate America! (But I still secretly love you for all you're worth).

Yes people. It's you're. Not your.

I come to work and it's so nice outside I can't stand to stay inside any longer. I wander the halls waiting for my manager to be released of a meeting that I don't know anything about (and I probably will never know), grabbing a cool looking pen that I probably won't use any time soon, and talking to a co-worker who no longer facinates me.

I hope you don't read this because I am pretty sure you know who you are. Though you are one of the younger remaining employees here, we just have nothing in common. But fortunatly for you, there is another summer student that seems to be super keen on satisfying your socialization needs.

I am sure she'll satisfy others too if you give her enough bread. I also hope that was subtly too you fucking dick bag.

Relentless bashing aside, it's still fun to bump into you. Just don't ask me how work is again please.

At 4:30 I race out of the parking lot and head to WEM. But Will's bus left early and has left him stranded at Westmount mall for another half an hour, his cell phone is dead, and I have no fucking clue where it is. Sure I could probably bus there but what use is that? I receieve directions but they just lead me to yellowhead trail that bascially lead me back to work! Now who wants that?!

So it's 5:30, I've driven for an hour basically, gained nothing but a headache, a warm seat, and new profound frustration for driving. Though I am grateful for air conditioning, I really need to get a GPS system. I thought it was just a luxury thing but it comes in handy, especially when the place you are trying to find has a mysterious address and seems hidden in the far fucking east.... to me it was any way.

Will and I eventually make it to the concert and end up having a pretty good time. The opening act resembled much of Stars's style and it was much too epic to open for The Strokes. Every song was grand, every point of their time on stage was orchestrated like they were playing for the soundtrack of Star Wars.

Too much. I can only take a couple epic stories a week.

Once Will finishes off his over priced 7-up with a ridiculous amount of ice, we head off to the seats and secure ourselves a good viewing spot on the bleachers. It was good spot but even when I was on a rise, white boys still came up and managed to block my view. Fuck, what did they feed you?

The lights start flashing and soon enough people start crowd surfing. I see one thin legged person and I thought to myself, "why am I not surprised that you're here?"

That's besides the point because as the night goes on, Julien (sp?) keeps singing and the drummer doesn't stop pounding on his drums .... until 10:15 that is. They make me fall in love with them once again and make me forget that my birthday was a mere 2 hours away. Shaw is not such a good venue for these shows unfortunatly because at times all I could process was the screeching of the bass and beating of the drums drowning out the lead vocals. It probably is like this in other places too but I'll still complain about it.

All in all it was fantastic and having this much fun makes up for Saturday night and the shitty weekend I had.

Bright Eyes is coming and I can't wait! I am contemplating Dashboard Confessionals too but it depends on what day it is on. City and color isn't bad but I haven't heard all of their music yet to give a valid opinon.

I don't know why but I am feeling that motion sickness again. Perhaps Will will explain that to me soon.

Soon meaning now.

It's 10:20 am and I am at work with nothing to do but to read my book on human sexuality. I would call it my sex book but I might get arrested by Harper for saying sex without any intention to talk about abstinence.

People don't realize it but if you don't talk about it or try to educate the younger generation on it, sex I mean, there will be even more blind mistakes made. I hope you know that. And I hope you realize that soon. Following Bush is just suicide. I am not a politician but silencing the communication part, the most important part, will lead to disaster if not ruins. Though I am not saying that people should be having sex whenever they want, but people should have the knowledge about the risks and everything else that helps them make the right decison.

Sex sells. We all know that, unless we are devote Buddhist monks that have reached such a high level of consciousness that we are unaffected by such deliberations. Thus for the person that did not recieve any information other than from the government, who are so distant and not even remotely reachable, saying that sex is only for married heterosexual couples and messages from the media basically telling this person who should be having sex, how you should, and if you consume their product people will more likely invite you in. In the end when the person does decide to have sex, they are ill informed. The media is biased and glorifies everything anything inorder to sell, plus the governments message is unprecedent it is practically a waste of money. So while companies are benefiting from making people hot and bothered, the government is finding new ways to control people.

Ironic how so much money and time is being spent on such opposite sides of the spectrum. But no real knowledge is being spoken off, unless it is about abstinence. People won't make all of their decisions based on messages coming from something so intangible, you controlling and manipulative fool.

It's almost lunch and I can't wait.

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