Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Natural is not comfortable

Shitty how people loose paper work and shitty how I don't get an access pass that actually works because these idiots lost my paper work. Shitty how I have to knock on the door each time after I go to the bathroom and shitty how there is nothing to eat here except chocolate bars.

On the bright side there's free tea, coffee and stationary. Kleptomania here I come. It's ironic though that I can get all the tea and coffee I want (stationary too but I don't want to look like an idiot) yet I don't have a true cubicle, garbage can, access pass, or real useful assignment.

But I am not complaining, just embellishing on the wonderful world that is mine.

Bright eyes and The Strokes are coming up and I can't wait!!! Plus my birthday. Though I never really am excited at the fact that I am getting older, it's an excuse to have a bbq. This time though, I would like it if no one ran away for no good reason.

I can feel myself getting ecstatic! I can also feel the blood rushing back to my skin tissue as the hot water drown my hands in the bath. It's not quite a tingly feeling but it is cool, though I wouldn't want to do it too often.

For middle aged men who work as IT guys are pretty loud. Things are being thrown around and jokes that I clearly don't understand are played out, all in the while I am sitting here doing the most mundane work of all. The most boring and mind numbing computer task ever.

The only pick me up I can count on is getting free stationary and caffinated drinks. Like every other high, it doesn't last for long and the artery that always gets pinched when I sit in a comfortable position doesn't hesistate to tell me that I should adjust. But I guess I should care for the health and safety of my leg cells and my leg in general so I will adjust. Just calm down on the pain sensors. Sheesh. After all, I need my leg to catch all of those assholes that I intend to bottle just for being assholes.

By the way, these people are at the extreme end of the spectrum. They were born assholes and were put through traning just to be assholes and to annoy the rest of the world. Yet as always, I am here to shatter something. Whether it be your myths or your stereotypes that I blantlatly refuse.

Six minutes and counting.

Weee Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, and Teachers tonight!

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