Thursday, May 04, 2006

Apparently people can come from candy land too

My assigment was finished before noon and so did my iRiver that keeps me sane, awake, and feeling like it is okay to just want to dance. I should brought my charger with me. I knew one battery bar wouldn't last me 8.5 hours plus the drive to and from home. Oh well. Now that I have my access pass, I can wander the halls, get tea whenever my eyes won't focus anymore, and stock myself up with an endless supply of pens that I'll most likely never get around to using.

Binders. I actually need binders.

I don't usually enjoy tuesday/thursday classes that much but for my first semster I am just packed with......those. Too many! I just hope they are interesting and fun to atten, but I guess I shouldn't be asking for too much. Night classes are actually useful and helpful in the fact that the finals are written in class. I always used to thought that they were way too late for me and that I would rather go home and just finish early. But staying at school and actually getting more done is always the better choice.

Finally the tickets for Bright Eyes are picked up and I cannot wait!! It's going to be so awesome!! Though I am not sure to what extend Will will enjoy it but too late now!!

Tweleve minutes to go and then I can go home. I can't wait. I am supposed to rake and mow the lawn but work has sucked the life out of me and has bored me to death. I really wish my iRiver had batteries so I could get this Britney Spears song out of my head.

Speaking of Britney Spears, I think she is the most well marketed fake-singer in the world. Everything is computerized and you can hear it but people still like her because she is good to look at. Not so much now because she probably never learned to put on makeup, choose out the right clothes, or even the maintanence of her hair. It is okay though. She has enough money to hire people for that. Her husbands' head shape really annoys me. It is really round and very lollipop like compared to rest of him. It's like his head got squished in the process of birth. But I give you credit though for landing one of the most wanted girls on earth. Oh! He looks like that girl who is going out with the guy from the witchcraft class. She also has a lollipop head that makes her look not so cute and makes me wonder what her personality must be like. The guy is pretty good looking I must say but his girlfriend has a lollipop for a head.

Staring at the computer screen with no need for brain power makes me lightheaded and grumpy. Goodnight.

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