Monday, September 17, 2007

Dear Guitar-guy,

I know how you feel. In fact, when I first saw you strum along to the beat of your music as you were walkng across campus, I envied you. For you get to move along to the beat of your music in public and there is no risk of you injuring anyone or getting in any ones way. I for one do not know how to play the guitar and all of my previous piano training is lost on me.

Sorry mom.

Most of the time I want to dance around to my music and skateboard down that seemingly long stretch of campus concrete; which so many of us pound on on a daily basis. Perhaps I should just reserve my ridiculously odd dance moves for when I have complete privacy so people don't think I am deranged immigrant who doesn't understand Canada's cultural values.

Surprisingly, I haven't had many people question my ability to manipulate the english language. Though in this past year or so, people seem more and more stunned when I start speaking. Their faces drop as if they were excited to hear a Chinese accent; almost as if they were dissappointed. And it's not just the fact that I can speak english. It's the fact that I'm not Japanese or Korean. Which is even more off the norm since I don't think I look like either.

I know. I know. This is trivial and this is pretty much a waste of my time to type this out but my headache will not subside, the slight nausea is only starting to give up, and my closet is starting to remind me how materialistic I've become this past year.


I have noticed the annoyingly large increase of students this year. I don't believe 'annoyingly' is actual offical english word but what I'm saying is true. It's annoying. I am trying to get from one class to another in convient but unsuportive shoes and there are these first years in my way. There are countless times where I am so tempted to ram them with the canon that I carry on my back. But I promised myself I would be less angry this year and just tell them to move the fuck out of the way.

Oh by the way, have expressed how much I hate girls? Not because they are my competition ( I enjoy a challenge), but because how fucking annoying and ridiculous they are. Of course I am referring to the ones who go out of their way to give the female sex a bad name. And no. I am not mixing up gender and sex. I actually do believe that the "catiness" of girls contributes to the demoralization of women.

Or I am just using it as an arguement to justify how much I want to punch some girls.

Anywho, I can't wait to see Bright Eyes again!! Minus the gum of course.

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