Friday, October 27, 2006


I like it when Monday comes because that means I get to watch Heroes! I get sucked into the plot of shows easily when they're dramatic and/or sarcastic in much of lame manner. I do miss Scrubs and I keep looking out for it but it hasn't reered it's beautiful head yet.

I am also excited for Fast Track to come out! Hopefully Lisa and I will be able to go watch it since we are both such avid Zach Braff fans.

By the way, thanks for knocking me sideways yesterday. Not literally of course since that would be rude and really embarassing. But thanks for giving me all of that yesterday because it honestly really made my day. I know nothing more will be coming my way but it was a nice gesture nonetheless. Nice gestures are grand in and of themselves. And it is true. I would have taken yours over lunch simply because it made me smile a lot more.

Here's hoping for more to come!

In the next few weeks, I have events to attend and books to burn holes into. Also, dinners to cook and dishes to do but thanks to little Jason, the dishes go by much faster now. Who knew such little hands can speed up chores so easily?

Back to psychology.

P.S. Conor Oberst came out with a new album filled with unreleased songs and other obscure concoctions the other day (October 24 to be exact).

This has been a good week!

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