Friday, August 25, 2006

eeeee! Zach Braff!

With a pocket full of change I speed my way down to tea cottage, eager to try the lychee bubble tea.

Except I order it as a juice. Bascially it was the lychee juice which I can get from superstore and all I would be missing are the tapioca balls. What a shame. And seeing a person on the grass with a blanket over their head not only scared me but reminded me of the ghettospongebob picture my co worker sent me yesterday. But this time it was scary because what if he decided to pop up from the grass and steal my waste-of-$3.87-bubble tea?

What if then he ran to the other side of street claming victory over my watered down drink? What if the other bums decided to get in on the action and they jump him for the flimsy cup of lychee juice and it ends up all over the ground just because he wasn't willing to share it with others?

Thus I decided to keep my drink securely in my hand till I reached my car; which then I could put safely it in my cup holder and drive off thinking about where I should go next.

He never did pop up from the grass. Nor did he move just a slight inch.

Kindof freaky... and naseuating.

It looks like I want glasses agian and only because I think it would be fun to have them. I wanted glasses for the longest time.

Yes a long time.

And no. You don't know how long.

Either way I won't be buying them because I'll feel like an idiot who copped out because I have a vain personality.

I blame my mother.

The other night it felt like I needed to curl up in a ball and die all because I am a girl. I don't understand. I have been pretty active these couple of weeks and the last time I ran, I felt not only the best but it was my best time yet.

I can't wait for The Last Kiss to come out!! I just hope that someone is willing to go see it with me!

Oh and I do think you hang out with drunk dirty bums .... and you're not cool anymore.

I'm thinking it's about 3:00 in the afternoon right now and I haven't done anything. I have played about 15 games of solitary on my pda, went for lunch, discussed the future of Scrubs with a co worker, recieved more details on my uncles vacation, watched a video of some dogs trying to get over a variety of barriers, and decided to stay away from a co worker (I think years of working here make people go crazy).

I can't wait to go back to school.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fifteen Minutes........old

In fifteen minutes I make it to downtown for dimsum with my parents. It also takes me fifteen minutes to eat and an extra fifteen minutes to get back to work.

Once I get back to work, it takes me less than fifteen minutes to realize that what I thought I wanted to yesterday was mearly a phase. A phase which I'm sure you went through too (that look last year gave it all away). But the looks that you have been giving me recently tell me that you know all too well.

All too well about what I really want and I hope you stop it because it's getting embarassing. It only took fifteen minutes for me to convince myself of this and 2 minutes for me to get over it.

Maybe more like two months and some odd school days where it just wouldn't stop.

And you making a sandwich won't change my mind...because I'm sure it will taste like butt afterwards.

Fifteen minutes was the amount of time that it took me to see that eventually I will be able to visit my parents when I grow up without having to dread it. It's odd. Odd in the way that it makes me feel grown up and that I can't get mad at everything and anything anymore. It's probably better for my blood pressure anyway.

She then offered me facials.

But I'm not sure if I should be insulted or not because my dad says the facials will the get the crap out of my pores.

First the treadmill (thank you by the way) and now the facials. It makes me speachless!

And it is true I do feel different, especially towards you and I should just forget about it but it's not going to be that easy especially if I haven't heard from you. Oh wait, there was that phone call where the conversation was straggling so much that I wanted to strangle myself just so I would have an excuse to leave. And I can't put on that voice for you anymore that once came so naturally.

To be fair though, I wouldn't of said anything either but to continue on saying those things to me is just stupid.

I believed you. Even when I was tempted not to believe you, I did. And I have never judged you upon the things that you have done because I concluded that it was not neccessary on my part; other people (including yourself) have got that covered. But because you are so judgemental yourself, you seem to think that I will do it too.

It makes me livid to think of the fact that you could not see that I would not of judged you. I don't see how you didn't know that. People that I work with know that and that is with my guard up!

Stop being a fool with an insatiable appetite.

It's stupid. And yes I was the one who introduced you to patterns and Urban Outfitters so take that stupid can of glossed over liquid and fuck off.

There. My fifteen minutes are over.

P.S: I love you Zach Braff....and I totally understood Garden State.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I have a feeling...

...that I had a part in what my co-worker did to his hair. Though it doesn't look too bad, I did tell him that he resembles the tazmanian devil because the outter edges of his hair was starting to stick out agian. But I didn't think he would care of what I's not like I'm his girlfriend or anything.

Then again this isn't the first time I have said things like that to him.

Either way, he won't have helmet hair (not that he ever did). I really hope he doesn't wear a white t-shirt to work or ask me to go to IGA for him.

Since he has gotten his bike, I can't stop thinking about getting a bike and when is a good time to take the bike course.

I also can't stop thinking about those shoes that I bought and whether or not I should keep them.

I'm hoping those bottles will save me.