Wednesday, December 21, 2005

And so it is settled

I must say. Aritzia is disappointing. It's probably just me though. It didn't appeal to me and I don't think it ever will.

The way that the store is decorated on the outside is alluring (decieving almost) but alas, it does not live up to its promise.

I think I've grown out of coffee. It does nothing for me now.

Monday, December 19, 2005

You know what would be fun?

Dressing up manequins.

They don't complain. They have perfect posture and to make it even more perfect, they don't ever gain that dreaded five pounds.


Friday, December 16, 2005

"Hello Moto"

So I hear that you have been slutting it out! Good for you. You're getting the experience you need to keep a husband in line.

I'm just kidding around. You're probably not looking for experience. I won't say the rest but I'm sure the more intelligent ones will know where I'm going with this notion.

I hear by claim that I've never studied less for a test before. Except for that test on one of our independent modules that were assigned over the christmas break in math 10IB. But that didn't really matter. I feel oddly subdued and very sleepy.

In addition to that, Sarah blurted out "There's no such thing as Columbo!" a couple days ago so I have resolved in calling her hamster Columbo. I guess idiocy has its funny advantages.

On another note, I really wish people would remember to turn their cell phones or just put it on silence. It's not only rude but it's stupid on your part because it really isn't that hard. You and your fancy ringtones that not only reflect your bad taste but the efforts of the general media also.

No. It's not a good song. The people just look good dancing to its awful, artificial beat. If you are saying that you know what good music is, then I can also say that I can lick my big toe (which I obviously can't). I admit, I do get suckered in also by elaborate advertising and their sly-ish ways of allurement. But there is no where in the popular media that I have seen that condones cleaning your nose with your bare finger in the middle of a final. I'm sure others haven't seen it ever. If it was ever shown that picking your nose is okay, I'm sure it was intended as sarcasm.

Really, I should know.

So not only did you allow your cell phone to ring twice (which makes you twice the idiot), you committed a felony in the public eye; my eye to be exact you sick ass bag. An act of social indecency and plain carelessness. Think of all the people that has to touch your paper now. I'm also sure that you didn't rush off to the bathroom tried to scrub your hands free of that crime because if you were so worried about your personal hygiene, you would not of allowed your finger to rest in the inferior conchola. That's the lowest part of your nasal cavity; otherwise your nostrils. So there are probably a good number of door handles, facet knobs, etc. That have are so unlucky to be touched by your nasty hands. Nasty is mildly putting it. If you're willing to act like a shameless dirty moron in the eyes of fellow exam-ers, who knows what else you do in your spare time. I for one, would not like to know. Let's keep it naive and optimistic. Well, in a general sense.

I've always believed that the media has too much control over our lives. True, I am classified as a television addict but in my defense, it helps me form my bias and bitter opinions. Honestly, where would I be without my views? I would probably be sitting in a chair numb with indiscretion. There would be no one around to point out the morons and they would continue to live their lives as morons. Suffocating the world with their large empty heads. Back to the point, after a certain age (that being of ten) people generally know how to conduct themselves in the simplest of manners. Don't speak when others are speaking, don't bud in line, and to cleanse yourself of any bodily secretions in private. I believe that the way that the body cleans itself is parallel to the manner in which one should maintain their personal hygiene. You never see people's urine come streaming out uncontrollably. You never see people's skin excrete the waste by projecting it out of pores. Yes. Some forms of cleansing are visible but not to the point where there is a choice. You had a choice to not stick your finger up your nose and to turn off your cell phone.

There is always a choice. I guess you are just never inclined to choose the right one.

I think I've become addicted to green tea. Without it I feel like I'm iridescent, out of place (more than usual), and jumpy. I guess it's better than coffee. I am strangely pulled towards buying a coffee maker but I know it'll do me no good. It doesn't keep me alert as much as it used to.

So if I depended on coffee to keep me awake and my eye muscles contracting, where would it end?

It would probably end now and Will would be rubbing it in my face about how correct he was. Smug is saying it nicely and by the book. I'd say something else but blogger might ban me.

To Indigo and Superstore I go.

Goodbye Moto.

Monday, December 05, 2005

You are a big drain.

Leeches that is. They secrete blood thinners so they can suck the blood out through the skin much more easily. As annoying as these parasites as they are, they help take the blood out of a patients skin when their capillaries don't drain fast enough. If the capillaries don't drain fast enough, there's useless blood just soaking the tissue with no nutrients. Thus, the tissue eventually dies. You could loose a finger, a toe, your chin, virtually anywhere. While leeches can't solve every problem, I guess it's a start.

So lets start.

Lately I've been feeling nauseous. I'm not sure why but it seems like everything and anything is a trigger, the bus especially and well... I guess everything else. I hate taking the bus but I hate driving all the time. I wish I had someone to drive me.

I guess I'm just being lazy and I like sleeping in cars while someone else is driving.

Ramble ramble ramble. That's all I feel like doing. And it's stupid I know. Especially with finals next week.

Oh God. Next week.

So in summary, I'm in love with my book, I want to go snowboarding, I feel like throwing up, I'm trying to not make an unimpressed look, I'm trying to cram everything

to an end, I'm trying to quit but I can't.

But like you said, you'll eventually get over it. In fact you're probably getting over it right now.
So as of right now, I'm nauseous all over again.

In addition, I've lost quite a bit of respect for you. A walker doesn't necessarily come with wheels you moron. People manufactured, tested, and pretty much perfected the device to help the elderly stable themselves. You know very well yourself that he's not stable and yet you get him this useless cane that he doesn't use. You moron. He fucking drags that thing around and does it look like he needs to support himself from side to side? No.

Of course I had to answer that for you. You would probably say yes and bring up the useless and stupid pointa of him either not wanting to use it or he won't be able to control it because of the "wheels". You are a moron. No wonder why he calls you stupid all the time. Honestly, if someone thought that the elder couldn't use the walkers, why would they sell it?

Also, where did you buy those canes? Stores don't just sell one item. Otherwise, no one would be able to make any money and wouldn't you think that the concept of convience has made it's way into the world? What do you think 'convience stores' are for?

You live a life of ignorance and you complain about how it's so hard for you. Oh I believe you. You go to your parents' house and help them do chores and inject insulin in them. You have a job when you really don't need to. Your house is bigger than neccesary, your husband makes more money than half of the people in downtown, your eldest son has moved out and your youngest barely needs you to do anything anymore. So don't come up to me and complain about how life treats you unfairly. If your bored, go host a chariety event or something that those rich tv wives do.

Okay, I'll stop the generalizing. Frankly though, you are a moron. A moron with too much time, too much money, not enough brains, and seriously the wrong concepts.

Sure you're a nice person. But fuck, serial killers and sociopaths are usually nice people on the outsides. I'm not calling you those, I'm just saying. I'm saying that you're a moron with no special skills.

So the next time you complain about your life, I'm going to throw my hot tea at you just so you know what it feels like to be me and others.

I think I'll go do some chemisty.