Sunday, October 30, 2005

Creepy fobs + lovely Theresa = fun

My Saturday night fell nothing short of fantastic in that I got to hangout with an awesome old friend who gets along with my virtual-addicted boyfriend and I got to buy more lipgloss. Four to be exact; 7 including lipbalms that come equipped with Spf. They're the best.

After a too-filling dinner at a quiet Tony Romas, we went to T&T to waste our youthful time and happened to see these fobs that either thought Theresa was just too hot or they've never seen purple hair before. But I do believe the first hypothesis is much more likely. Either way, this one creepy fob with bad skin tried to take a picture of us and he was very persistent I might say. First, he tried to take it and when he realized that we caught on he disappered. Oh but he didn't stay hidden for long. He surfaced shortly after and thought of this "brillant" and "subtle" plan to pretend that he was taking a picture of his sister (or whoever). Theresa, Will, and I were too smart to see that he clearly wasn't taking a picture of the girl, but of us! (Well honestly. That's the stupidest plan ever. What a waste of time. You tried to take a picture of us before and now you're all of a sudden taking a picture of your sister who just happens to be standing in front of us. Jeezes you're idiotic).

In the end, we got so creeped out that we left. Stupid fobs. First they don't use soap or the toliet properly and now they're trying to photograph us "secretly".

You idiot.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Hey, it's over

Yes. Midterms are done. Until the second round starts that is.
People usually feel liberated but not I. The anticipation isn't very daunting and it's a little exasperating.

This sucks. School sucks and it's hard trying not to daydream about other stimulating things or what else I can waste my money on. It's not fine this time. And I hate it. It feels so heavy and hard. I guess it doesn't help either that people won't seem to grow up.

The rumors are true and you are only what they say you are. But on the other hand, you get what you give. While this is only true for some people, it's reality for me and it sucks ( of course). There's no such thing as luck or complete equality either. If there was, then a lot of people would be out of work.

It's unfair.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Good evening,

Or whatever the time it is you. For me, it's going by so fast that I don't even find a watch usefull anymore.

Back to my point:
Welcome to samsara. It's the round of rebirth that plagues everyone and basically everything that is composed of matter. There's no escape through everyday modern activities, only limited conditions after a certain amount of devotion.

Enjoy the ride. And try to avoid anything that could get you landed in one of the nine hell realms. They were depicted as pretty unpleasent worlds.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Smiling gives you laugh lines silly

New computer and a new mouse all in one day. How lucky am I?

Not very despite some material posessions. At least that's what I think. Then again it's true, you see one thing as cynical and you think everything is cynical in some sense. Thank you Charles for pointing that out. It's funny to be cynical sometimes. You bring out certain points or realities of something that someone else might not see and when you tell them, their face just freezes with indesicion and awkwardness, "Umm what do I say now?"

Don't say anything and think of something else to talk about. It's easier that way and no it's not possible to change a cynist in just one day. Give me evidence. Give me science (don't forget the chocolate milk). Give me something tangible before I can change my mind. And I'm not pushing away. It's just awkward and I can see that you can sense it too. Neither of us are doing anything about it but it's okay. Eventually things balance out and we'll figure out whether or not it's safe to talk to each other. Until then, have a good life.

Yes I'm all over the place and I aim to please the people that I care for and try my hardest not to slip up. I love it. The stress, the anxiety, the effort that's required. And of course the result. I love a smiling face, even if my face muscles don't flex. It's fun to make people laugh and it's true, smiling and laughing is contagious. Even if it's sarcastic and cynical, look at the funny part of it. Laugh and I'll eventually laugh with you.

But you first. It's easier that way. And I'm offering so take before my radius and ulna give way to my heavy phalanges and pounding mind.

Besides all of this, everything is vague but determined. I'm always in the middle. Always torn and being given choices that I really don't want to make. This is the irony of life. I'm given the choices that I don't want and not given the choices that I do want. I don't want to have to choose between groups because I love them both (despite past events- that's right, I can let go of grudges). Like my buddhist teacher has been saying, "we're suffering. It's determined right when you're born and if you don't seek some sort of peace with yourself, you'll continue to suffer. Now listened intently because this will be on your mid term."

Suffering indeed my friend, indeed.

Thank you Will, my computer is awesome.
(not sarcastically you cynical bastard)

Sunday, October 02, 2005


In the middle of a gun fight, in the center of a restaurant,
They say ,"Come with your arms raised high."
Well they're never gonna get me...

And they never did.

Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy, I love you.